How Firm a Foundation
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - G-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - Ab-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - A-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - Bb-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - C-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - Db-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - D-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - Eb-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - E-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - F-Major>>>
Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - Sibelius - File>>>
Choir-, Organ-, Sheetmusic - How Firm a Foundation - xml - File>>>
1. How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in his excellent Word!
What more can he say than to you he has said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
2. “Fear not, I am with you, O be not dismayed,
for I am your God and will still give you aid;
I’ll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand,
upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.
3. “When through the deep waters I call you to go,
the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow,
for I will be with you, your troubles to bless,
and sanctify to you your deepest distress.
4.“When through fiery trials your pathway shall lie,
my grace all sufficient shall be your supply;
the flames will not hurt you; I only design
your dross to consume and your gold to refine.
5. “The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose
I will not, I will not, desert to its foes;
that soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!”
He Leadeth Me
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - D-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - Eb-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - E-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - F-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - G-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - Ab-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - A-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - Bb-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - C-Major>>>
PDF Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - Db-Major>>>
Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - Sibelius - File>>>
Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - He Leadeth Me - xml - File>>>
1. He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
O words with heav'nly comfort fraught!
Whate'er I do, where'er I be
Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful foll'wer I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.
2.Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom,
Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom,
By waters still, o'er troubled sea,
Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me.
3.Lord, I would place my hand in Thine,
Nor ever murmur nor repine;
Content, whatever lot I see,
Since 'tis my God that leadeth me.
4.And when my task on earth is done,
When by Thy grace the vict'ry's won,
E'en death's cold wave I will not flee,
Since God through Jordan leadeth me.
He Is Lord
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - A-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - Bb-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - C-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - Db-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - D-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - Eb-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - E-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - F-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - G-Major>>>
PDF Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - Ab-Major>>>
Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - Sibelius-File>>>
Sheetmusic - He Is Lord - xml-File>>>
He is Lord, He is Lord!
He is risen from the dead and he is Lord!
Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - F-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - G-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Ab-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - A-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Bb-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - C-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Db-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - D-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Eb-Major>>>
PDF - Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - E-Major>>>
Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - Sibelius - File>>>
Choir-, Organ- Sheetmusic - Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise - xml - File>>>
1. Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia!
to his throne beyond the skies. Alleluia!
Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Alleluia!
enters now the highest heaven. Alleluia!
2. There for him high triumph waits; Alleluia!
lift your heads, eternal gates. Alleluia!
He has conquered death and sin; Alleluia!
take the King of glory in. Alleluia!
3. Highest heaven its Lord receives; Alleluia!
yet he loves the earth he leaves. Alleluia!
Though returning to his throne, Alleluia!
still he calls us all his own. Alleluia!
4. Still for us he intercedes; Alleluia!
his atoning death he pleads, Alleluia!
near himself prepares our place, Alleluia!
he the firstfruits of our race. Alleluia!
5. There we shall with you remain, Alleluia!
partners of your endless reign, Alleluia!
see you with unclouded view, Alleluia!
find our heaven of heavens in you. Alleluia!
Good Christian Friends Rejoice
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - F-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - G-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Ab-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - A-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Bb-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - C-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Db-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - D-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Eb-Major>>>
PDF - Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - E-Major>>>
Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - Sibelius - File>>>
Organ- Sheetmusic - Good Christian Friends Rejoice - xml - File>>>
1 Good Christian friends, rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
give ye heed to what we say:
Jesus Christ was born today.
Ox and ass before him bow,
and he is in the manger now.
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!
2 Good Christian friends, rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now ye hear of endless bliss:
Jesus Christ was born for this!
He has opened heaven's door,
and we are blest forevermore.
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!